Here’s what Donald Trump gets wrong about immigration

Home Forums Here’s what Donald Trump gets wrong about immigration Here’s what Donald Trump gets wrong about immigration

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    This past weekend, Republican presidential candidate and current front-runner Donald Trump unveiled his first position paper. He chose immigration, an issue that arguably helped vault him to the top of the Republican field. In his statement, Trump outlined various policy changes, including denying birthright citizenship to the children of undocumented immigrants and building a border wall with Mexico, financed by impounding migrant remittances and imposing various fees on visitors from Mexico. Trump went even further in his remarks in a recorded interview for “Meet the Press,” saying that all undocumented immigrants would “have to go,” including entire families composed of undocumented parents and U.S.-citizen children.

    Within two days, several analyses and critical commentary have emerged. Some have noted that Trump’s views are minority positions even among Republican voters. Others point out that there would be a $100-$200 billion federal price tag on mass deportations, and that even worse economic ramifications would befall various industries and state economies that rely heavily on immigrant labor.

    What is also remarkable about Trump’s views on immigration, however, is how outdated they are. His singular focus on migration from Mexico ignores the fact that Mexican migration has plummeted in the past decade, reaching “net zero” status around 2010. Since 2008, the U.S. has seen more migration from Asia than from Latin America. China and India are now the top-sending countries.

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